Less common hair disorders

Hair fall is not restricted to genetic, autoimmune and external factors only.
Commonly known as Alopecia, hair loss in men and women is often caused and provoked by varying conditions and hair disorders.
Some of the famous and commonly-occurring hair and scalp disorders are mentioned as under:

1. Alopecia Areata:
An autoimmune disorder which results in excessive hair loss, it is an inflammatory condition which causes hair loss in the form of patches around the entire scalp. This condition not only damages the scalp, but it can also cause loss of hair from areas such as eyebrows, eyelashes and beard. It usually forms oval or round patches which are entirely bald. In severe cases, it could lead to complete hair loss from the scalp and is proven to be triggered by stress. The condition is triggered when the immune system starts damaging the hair follicles and disrupts the growth cycle. It happens when the immune system is unable to differentiate the “self” and “non-self” tissue.

2. Anagen Effluvium:
Defined as the condition of hair loss during the growth stage. The primary reason for this condition is damage caused to the hair follicle. The situation is common to the people undergoing chemotherapy, radiotherapy, health-related issues such as malnutrition, chronic diseases, medications and deficiency of essential nutrients. In most cases, once the root cause has been eliminated, the hair regrows.

3. Telogen Effluvium:
Characterized by hair thinning and excessive shedding caused by premature hair entering the Telogen phase of the growth cycle. The reasons vary from stress and diet to chronic illness and medications. The condition doesn’t last a lifetime, and once the condition has been remedied, the hair growth is normalized. In most cases, the hair grows back at the same pace and thickness like before.


4. Traction Alopecia:
Caused by repetitive pulling of hair, the condition usually leads to thinning of the frontal and temporal scalp area. It may occur in different areas of scalp depending on the hairstyling and grooming practices of the individual. Excessive use of chemical-based styling products, overheating, drying, and incorrect brushing are some of the primary reasons for this condition. The condition could be prolonged if such hairstyling practices continue for days. The condition could be improved by merely avoiding such hairstyling practices and exerting extra pressure and force on the hair.

5. Trichotillomania:
A self-induced hair loss and damage condition caused by repetitive twisting and pulling of hair from a specific scalp area. The condition is caused by the reflexive impulse to pull hair and leads to great relief, once the desire has been acted upon.
The first step to improving the condition is to consult a specialist since the disorder could have both the psychological and physical implications.