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The Consultation

Taking the first steps towards treating any hair loss issues is in identifying the reasons causing them. To do this our committed and experienced team of Trichologist’s must first carry out a detailed consultation.

During the consultation we will be asking a series of investigative questions and will be conducting an in depth scalp analysis. During the consultation we will also look into your lifestyle, diet and current care and management of the hair. This will allow us to identify scalp sensitivities or allergies that may be affecting the area.

Our aim here at Millennium is to ensure that all treatments are tailored to each client’s specific needs and to ensure that you are at ease during the course of your treatment.

During the consultation process we will be examining for evidence of any pre-existing conditions that may be cause the hair loss. These include but are not limited to an excess of protein in the system, poor management of the hair and scalp and of diet and lifestyle, inherited/genetic conditions, the rate in which the hair is depleting and structural damage that may have occurred to the hair or the hair follicle

To ensure a thorough and informed diagnosis we may also need to conduct microscopic imaging of the patient scalp and hair, take a biopsy of the scalp or examine blood tests. This is to rule out and identify the presence of conditions such as Telogen Effluvium, commonly known as a disrupted hair cycle and to rule out the presence of any abnormal scalp secretions or fungal infections that may cause trauma to the scalp and hair.

All these factors will be taken into consideration when establishing the reasons for seeking hair restoration therapy. As some cases will need further examinations and tests; a concrete diagnosis may not always be immediate, but rest assured you are in the best care as our experienced team of trichologists work towards a diagnosis.

As the consultation is concluding we will encourage our patients to ask us any questions they may have in order to alleviate their stresses and ensure they are completely informed about their diagnosis and are confident in their treatment plan. This will allow our patients to begin their hair restoration journey and take the well-deserved leap towards renewing their self-confidence!

Our consultation service is not solely for issues concerning hair loss. We encourage you to contact our knowledgeable and friendly team of trichologists, who boast over 50 years of experience, for comprehensive advice on how to maintain a healthy scalp and hair or for advice on how to amend current lifestyle and diet choices to help prevent hair loss or breakages in the future.

To learn more about our consultation service, or any of our hair restoration services please contact us